- Lovabye Dragon by Barbara Joossee
- When a Dragon Moves in by Jodi Moore
- Dragons Love Tacos By Adam Rubin
- Me and my Dragon by David Biedrzycki
Dragons are so popular. Kids will go nuts over them. There are so many awesome books about dragons out there.
One really awesome thing about this craft is it's easy to make. It's just some folding and gluing. And of course kids love the wiggly eyes.
Lessons Learned from today's story hour:
1: Dragons love tacos
2: Kids LOVE dragons
3: Kids love making puppets

Here's an excerpt of the aftermath:
Kid 1: Rawr: Give me some tacos!
Kid 2: Rararar! Not until you build me a sand castle!
*both attack each other in the face with their puppets*

Next time: I haven't decided if I want to do St. Patrick's Day or some other theme. I guess you'll have to wait and see!